View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001417The World of SecfeniaGroups/Armiespublic2019-04-11 14:57
Reportervictorious Assigned Todaviceroy  
PriorityhighSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version3.1.005 
Summary0001417: Army disbanded. I died but I had a second in command Tesla so why did it disband?
DescriptionWoke to find the army disbanded
Additional InformationI had set Tesla as Lieutenant a week ago. I checked to see if he was in town and he was thinking maybe he had left town which then would have caused the army to disband but I found him in town.

Because of this I lost over 700 army points but it did give me the money back. I hope you can help me and explain what happened.
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2019-04-11 14:57

administrator   ~0001006

Tesla was removed from the Army on April 6th due to death. When April 8th came, there was no eligible 2nd in command and so the army disbanded.

Code functions as expected.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-04-09 08:47 victorious New Issue
2019-04-09 08:47 victorious Status new => assigned
2019-04-09 08:47 victorious Assigned To => daviceroy
2019-04-11 14:55 daviceroy Product Version 3.1.010 => 3.1.005
2019-04-11 14:57 daviceroy Status assigned => resolved
2019-04-11 14:57 daviceroy Resolution open => no change required
2019-04-11 14:57 daviceroy Note Added: 0001006