Imperial Stealth Offensive Military

Space Explorers (SE) and Imperial Stealth Offensive Military (ISOM)


This agreement is a stage I Alliance Pact between Space Explorers 
(hereafter refered to as SE) and Imperial Stealth Offensive Military 
(hereafter refered to as ISOM). The parties involved agree not to engage 
in any hostile acts against each other. Hostile acts include, but are not 
limited to, invading servers with the intent to disrupt, opening fire 
without requesting permission first, posting inflammatory posts on fleets 
forums or in chat rooms.

The Fleet Admirals from SE and ISOM have agreed to sign this treaty with 
the details listed in the articles below:

1. Ships flying either ISOM or SE tags shall not fire upon a ship from the 
opposite fleet unless all parties are in a friendly game or a interclan 
role-play match. Any officers of either fleet who violate this article 
shall be reported to his/her Command.

2. SE and ISOM agree to be bonded by this treaty to show the utmost 
dignity and respect to the members of each others Fleet.

3. In the event that one fleet comes under attack except for the case of a 
ship under the BCC Flag or an ally of BCC, the other fleet is
under no obligation to come to the defense of the other fleet under the
conditions of this treaty. All requests to assist must be decided upon by 
the fleets Admirals or high command as applicable.

4. This treaty will stay in effect until either side breaks this treaty. A 
request must be made on the Communications board to be released.

5. All members flying the SE and ISOM tags shall open fire upon any ship 
with the flying the BCC tag or a known ally of BCC.

Signatures of the Chief Diplomat and 2 SE Admirals and the equivalent of 
the allied fleet are required in order to ratify this treaty.

Space Explorers:
1. GFA Ivana
2. FA Saratoga
3. FC/Ambassador Bogaert
4. Captain Omega

Imperial Stealth Offensive Military:

1. Fleet Admiral Dead Man
2. Ambassador El Viceroy
3. Admiral Dead Pan

Previous Treaty:


SPACE EXPLORERS (SE) and Imperial Stealth Offensive Military (ISOM)


Non Aggression Pact: The parties involved agree not to engage in any
hostile acts against each other. Hostile acts include, but are not limited
to, invading servers with the intent to disrupt, opening fire without
requesting permission first, posting inflammatory posts on fleets forums
or in chat rooms.

The Fleet Admirals from Space Explorers (SE) and Imperial Stealth
Offensive Military (ISOM) have agreed to sign a treaty of Non Aggression.  
Details and agreements are listed in the articles below:

1. Ships flying either ISOM or SE tags shall not fire upon a ship from the
opposite fleet unless all parties are in a friendly game or a interclan
role-play match. Any officers of either fleet who violate this article
shall be reported to his/her Command.

2. Space Explorers and Imperial Stealth Offensive Military agree to be
bonded by this treaty to show the utmost dignity and respect to the
members of each others Fleet.

3. In the event that one fleet comes under attack, the other fleet is
under no obligation to come to the defense of the other fleet under the
conditions of this NAP. All requests to assist must be decided upon by the
fleets Admirals or high command as applicable.

4. This treaty will stay in effect until either side breaks the NAP. A
request must be made on the Communications board to be released.

Signatures of the Chief Diplomat and 2 SE Admirals and the equivalent of
the allied fleet are required in order to ratify this NAP


1. Fleet Admiral Ivana
2. Admiral Saratoga
3. Ambassador / FC Bogaert

Imperial Stealth Offensive Military (ISOM)

1. Fleet Admiral Dead Man
2. Admiral Dead Pan
3. Ambassador Viceroy

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