Secfenia Tribune

Volume 1 Issue 8 9606.19


Fenia - The People's Representative Position that was held by Jason Schrimp X was recently put up to the test of a confidence vote. Jason Scrimp X is not pleased with this news, but he says, "My inactivity combined with the lack of attention I paid probably resulted in this. I should have been more responsive to the people." The Confidence vote was taken over the past week and the results were that 27% approved of his remaining in office, 57% did not, and 16% abstained. His replacement has been elected into office already since no other person than Natonito Albright ran for the position. We wish him well in his new position.


Fenia - Financial Minister Carabino has announced that the Financial Department is canceling use of the Emergency War Tax Powers. This means that the tax-collection format has been returned to the peacetime (normal) format.


Dispatch from the Viceroy - Shaitan, people of Secfenia! Please read the following letter that was sent from me regarding the new Province of Internetia.


Subject: Shaitan, from the Province of Internetia 

Your Imperial Excellency, 
Shaitan, Your Excellency! I bring greetings from the era in which all of our plans have transformed into reality -- The Province of Internetia was, formally, accepted by the Province of CompuServia's Imperial Senate, by a vote of 910-378, meeting the 2/3 requirement to begin the construction of Internetia. Shaitan! 

Lord Lancelot du Lac 
Lieutenant-Viceroy Province Internetia 


I am happy to inform you, the citizens of Secfenia that the two Imperial Legates that will be representing you in the Juanolian Star council are Andy Carabino and Clara Ridley. I will be sending messages about the two Imperial Legates soon.

Also, I wish to inform you that the Province of Prodigia will be setting up an embassy for us in Prodigia. Please forward any comments, complaints, and/or suggestions you may have about this to me.

Fullerium House Opening Up

New Fullerium - Reports have it that the House of Fullerium is nering completion. They will have their web site up soon.

House Trade Talks

Bravia - Recently, the House of Bravia has mentioned the idea of interhouse trading. Natonito Albright, Duke of Earl of Bravia said, "A thousand Freznics to a House brings the other House profit." Talks could begin soon between the Houses of Bravia and Fullerium.

House Members?

Bravia - "There are many prominent Secfenia citizens that are not in a house. This trend needs to be reversed," Natonito said. This quote came on the news that the House of fullerium will be opening soon and the discussion of the members of his House. We encourage all to become a member of a fiefdom whether it be the House of Bravia or the House of Fullerium.

The Verdict

Judicial System - The Judicial system recently held a trial for Henry Albright for his crimes that he committed against the state. He was found NOT GUILTY for the crime of Rebellion. High Magistrate Mary Dolan, who was for the first time in the minority , said, "The actions of H. Albright may be considered by the majority to be valid, but I feel that leading a rebellion is an untolerable rebellious act." On the rest of the seven charges, the court voted together as one. H. Albright was found GUILTY on violation of the Peaceful Citizen Act, attempted murder, using government info to destroy the law, burning of public records, ordering mass murder, and GUILTY on disrupting communications. The sentence has been issued as a million Freznic fine as well as three years in the work yards.

-*-*-*- End of Tribune -*-*-*-

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