Secfenia Tribune

Volume 4, Issue 1 9906.24

We're Back!

Viceroy's Palace -- The Secfenia Tribune has been under a lot of trials and tribulations. We have finally gotten everything moved from the remains of our old publishing place and have moved to another location. We hope to start producing copies of the Tribune regularly again like we have in the past.

Valleria: Many questions have arisen

Leeville, Valleria -- There has been much discussion about whether or not Valleria is still Chesleyan. Some of the questions have arisen since contact with the former empire has faded and possibly died out. Some citizens of the nome have asked the Nomarch to make a statement one way or the other.

Also, a stir for a return to their homeland on the continent has arisen. A movement has requested an audience with the Nomarch to discuss what they want. The Tribune Staff has been unable to get a comment from the Nomarch. However, a member of the movement which wanted to be called "Lee" told us:

"Valleria is a land of the free. We very much respect the Nomarch and the direction that he has led us. Some of us here in Valleria would like to return to the lands from which we came. We understand that the land we wish must be liberated for the people."

Naturally, we also attempted to get a response from President Jim Clopton of the ZS, but was unable to. Recent reports state that he may not be alive still, but no confirmation is available. We will deliver more news on that subject when we can.

New Fullerium... which way now?

Muria, New Fullerium -- New Fullerium has had many events happen to them over the course of time. Marshal Carabino, who has been a faithful and good public servant, announced quite a few months ago that he would be returning to Fullerium to take care of business there. During the announcement, Marshal Carabino informed the New Fullerium people that he would probably not be returning for a while if ever. The citizens of New Fullerium were surprised to see him leave, but knew that he had to.

Chief of Staffs Lufue Zue has been attempting to rule in his place. However, he has had several problems. Under his leadership, New Fullerium has lost part of its land and also sole control of one of its main rivers. Some have called into question whether or not he should continue ruling. There have been rumors of a possible vote of confidence. We shall see.

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