Secfenia Tribune

Volume 1 Issue 5 9604.21

War Continues on...

Fenia - The war between Secfenia proper and the Bravian empire continues on. The war which started shortly after the attack upon Internal affairs Minister Elizabeth Smith's ship (the SCG Ambassador) when she was helping a friend of hers escape from the open bordered "nation" called the Bravian Empire. Starting on that fateful day, the Bravian Empire took a decisive stab at the heart of the Northern half of secfenia. Within 2 days, the city that once held the retired leaders of Secfenia had fallen to the hands of the Bravian Empire. Another strike by their General Imas took the Northeastern part of Secfenia out of the hands of secfenia and into the ownership of the Bravian Empire. Then, the armies of the Bravian Empire struck next out against Secfenia by attempting to poison Elizabeth Smith. "The initial attacks of the Bravian Empire were not known until about an hour before I heard the news that Elizabeth Smith had been poisoned," the Governor-General told us. "These actions of such cowards can not be permitted. They shall pay the punishment!!," he proclaimed to all. The very next day, he sent Captain Anais Russ, his mother, to lauch a surprise attack upon the city of Stauchville, a River Port city on the Bravian River in the terriory of the Bravian Empire. The Bravian empire decided to press its luck a little more when it decided to surround the city if Fenia in a three day attempt. Their Gen Kurton has held his army there with the city of Fenia resisting strongly. They currently are still surrounded except for a 2 mile area that they seem not to be able to close. While, their southern forces are around Fenia, their Northern forces attacked Puria about 10 days ago. They met up with Major Thomas who showed them how long his troops had been training. The Bravian Empire troops were forced back to Muria. The city of Muria has changed hands so many times, but with possible incoming troops from the Juanolian empire, their troops could be defeated. Only time will tell who will be the final victor. While the Bravian Empire's troops are being split between North and South, Captain Anias Russ has taken over the cities of Stauchville and Paz. A resistance group has finally met Captain Russ with some force. The city of Bravia is about 3 miles away from being taken over. In a fight to see who will capture which captial first, the victor could do much damage to that country's moral. As more events are made public, you can find your informations out from The Secfenia Tribune.

Judicial System set up.

Fenia - The Governor-General has decided to appoint the following to our new judiciary system:

High Magistrate Mary Dolan
Magistrate Amanda Holmes
Justice Ivan Veller

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