Secfenia Tribune

Volume 6, Issue 3 0105.25

New IME Rates Released

IME - The IME has released new rates effective immediately for all of the nations participating. The rates are:

1 Rupal (Shi`tain Republic) = 0.1 Dollars (Jenusfia) = 0.06 Secfals = 0.04 Diners (Union of Secfenia)

Sephayyim Republic

New Fenia, US - Some fishermen from the Union of Secfenia have claimed to have found a new republic called the Sephayyim Republic. Rumors have it that this new nation is headed by Rubemyyat Sephayyar. We sent some reporters to check the claims and have found the territory, but have not yet sent anyone to check it out. Shall this be a new glorious nation?

Shi`tain Republic Government Falls and Returns

Shi`tain Republic - Ze Lue has defeated the old leader of the Shi`tain Republic. In a very bloodly war, Ze Lue and his military have taken over the Republic with a strong hand and a happy crowd. Many challenges shall probably face the new government over time. Until that time, the people are trying to repiece their lives together.

Blondebeard Demands

Viceroy's Palace - Blondebeard has continued his attacks, but is becoming more clever by the minute. He has however stated some demands that he says will stop his violence against the sea ships that pass. His demands are:

  1. The Formation of an Independant Nation called "Andorra" in the areas north of the Fenia River
  2. The Haltage of all Vallerian Vessels in the Fenia River
  3. The International Waters Treaty be written and approved by all nations that will allow safe passage of all people through the Fenia River

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