The Age of Glory (Part I)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

As the sun sat slowly, the light in the prison cell slowly vanished. A young lady sat in the same cell as a well aged man who just entered the death cell. One who reached this cell usually never left alive. Sometimes experiements ended their life and sometimes "accidents" did. No matter how, their life rarely ended by natural causes.

The aged man looked at the young lady and wondered when and why she had the distinct honor of being in this cell. "My lady, night has begun and sleep shall soon be required. However, since we have yet to exchange a word, I would like to introduce myself. I am Michael Angelo, a historian and a former friend to the current Emperor. There was a time a long while ago that things were much different. But alas, I shall wait to tell more of that story until a time in which you, my lady, would like to hear, " the aged man said.

The lady smiled and shifted her weight. She knew not what to do. "Mister Angelo, it is nice to meet you. I have heard much about you from my mother who died...," she said with a tear in her eye. She laid down and cried. Michael Angelo tried to comfort her, but he was pushed away. Michael decided it was time to sleep and laid down across the cell from her. Soon, he was asleep and the only sounds heard was sobs from the lady.

The next sound Michael heard was the guards opening the door to bring in food. The guard put the food on the table close to the door and left. Michael stared at the food and the lady who had cired herself to sleep. He sat on the floor watching over her and the food.

After a few hours, the lady woke and sat up. She noticed the food and that none of it was touched. "Mister Angelo, are you not going to eat, " she asked curiously. "My lady, it is not proper for me to eat first before a lady of your class," Michael stated as he watched her confusion. "We are not free and it doesn't matter. I expected to find the food gone as it should have been. Food is a necessity that doesn't come much here. You sacrifice yourself for me for what reason," she demanded. "My lady, let your wrath be cooled. There is enough food for both of us. If there shall be a day when that is not the case, then you shall have the food as my life has been full and there is not much left in my bones, " he replied with the reassuring voice of a father.

The lady rose and began to eat some. She briefly smiled and looked at Michael and then quickly at the food. "Are you going to," she quickly snapped. Michael nods and slowly ate his portion of the food. After the food disappeared, they both sat at opposite ends of the cell remaining quiet and starring at each other.

Slowly, the sun began to set once again with neither a sound from each other. As the night draped over, soft sobs came once more from the lady. Michael's heart ached as he knew the reason for her despair. "Angela, I'm sorry, " Michael said in his corner with grief hanging onto every word. The lady cried and cried. Michael stood up and walked over to her. He held her gently and attempted to comfort her without any words. She wept into his arms and soon was asleep. He gently kissed her forehead and laid her down to sleep.

He stared at her and wiped his own tears. He knew why she had been imprisoned. He knew so much about her mother, but was she ready for the truth? Was she ready to learn about how she was related to someone who once was good and then turned evil? Could she handle the truth? Sleep was not to be a friend to Michael Angelo that night.

As daylight came, exhaustion fell upon Michael and he fell asleep. He was so sound asleep that only Angela woke from her sleep in the morning. Angela watched as only half the normal food was delivered. She waited for a while, but seeing no movement from him, she ate all the food and sat down at the other side. The day continued on. Slowly, Michael woke and said nothing. The only thing he did was stare at Angela. Inside, she felt a pain of guilt, but she argued with herself that it was heartburn. Silence was the cruel friend of the day. Angela laid to sleep as soon as the night began, but alas Michael was not so lucky.

The next morning a little less food came and she ate while he slept. Her "heartburn" only increased, but hse kept denying it to herself. Again, the next day less food came, but she could not find it in her heart to resist eating. She felt ashamed and despair as she knew he watched her.

As the next day approached, Michael Angelo pulled himself to sit up and watch the morning events. When Angela woke up, she felt deep guilt seeing the aged man weakened and yet how he never demanded a thing. She couldn't do it anymore. She had to help. She grabbed the food and sat next to Michael. "You need food," she said handing it to him. "My lady, I know not if they will continue to lessen the food until there is none. You should eat. I will be fine," he said slowly and weakly. She frowned and commanded, "Eat for you need it. We can switched back and forth or do whatever is necessary to keep both of us alive." He nodded and slowly ate the food. As the food was finished, the weakness and paleness of his face left. Her hunger had no power for her pleasure of him becoming more lively was overwhelming. She felt something in her heart that she hadn't felt in a long time.

[ Chapter 2 ]

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