Love N' Hate (Part I)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

"My father seems too preoccupied with the Imperial matters to realize his own folly. He should know better, but the hate and bitterness has driven him insane. However, I stay by his side to learn the matters of the state. Even in the state that he is in, he is a good teacher of that. I have also learned much from the Directrix.

"It seems that if my father had not had his heart corrupted with pain and agony that he may have indeed carried on the family tradition of trying to improve the lot of the people. If I ever have a shot of ruling, I must remember that I rule because the people give me that ability. Any other thought is ludicrious.

"I wonder sometimes if I will ever have a chance to put into practice what I have learned. Maybe I shall, but if I don't I hope that maybe my journal will help the future generations. My father, unfortunately, has lost sight of the future and the hope of the people. His rule has forgotten what he used to strive for.

"It seems that at some point my father will end up leaving the throne either by death or by a revolt. Sometimes I wonder if Natonito would do it. However, other times I realize that Natonito has also let power go to his head. He is extremely loyal and is allowed to do pretty much anything he wants. He knows that it is better sometimes to be number two than number one."

"Anyway, I must quit soon. I think my father is having some banquet honoring a senator who helped pass some law that no one really cares that much about. Maybe afterwards I can slip out and visit my one friend of sorts," Robert Russ IV wrote into his journal. He looked up at his father and closed the book.

"Your excellency, do we depart soon for the banquet," Robert asked his father. The Emperor nodded and stood up. "Come, come," he said walking towards the banquet room. Robert stood up and followed him through the paths to get to the Emperor's reception room. The doors opened and they sat down to eat their banquet.

Robert opened his journal up and began to write in a few more notes. "Banquets are always a bore. However, in the manner of the state, one must have banquets at times. In the Imperial sense, it's the time to have your ass kissed and to kiss someone's ass. At banquets, your fate can be sealed or loosed. Every idea passed along can either help your case and seal your doom.

"In a ideal state, banquets would serve as a communication tool to learn more about the people. In a perfect world, what you said at the table would never lead to imprisonment or to punishment. However, we do not live in a perfect world. I would rather suggest that what is said be treated as a private conversation and not something owned by the state.

"One of these days some of these senators will realize the futility of what they do. You live on the whim of the rulers right now. The tempers of the Emperor and the Directrix determine how good or bad your life can be. These senators suck up trying to stay on the good side, but once they cross the temper of either, they are property of the state practically. Some may say they are already. They are puppets that play the part of the desires of the Emperor and the Directrix. Nothing is more dangerous when you forget who you are and what you should be representing except for maybe crossing the Directrix or the Emperor.

"My father gets impatient at my writing sometimes. He thinks I do not pay attention to the matters of the state. If only he knew the truth that I constantly do watch. However, it's best sometimes to be a fly on the wall than to be someone who says a lot. Some of my views may not be so popular with the Emperor or the Directrix. However, maybe someone will find it interesting. However, if I were to speak, who would listen? After all, I am just the son of the Emperor. Do I really matter?"

Robert put away his journal and smiled. He began small talk with the senators. He could tell his father was pleased. Robert tried to please his father as much as he could. Simple chit chat can be done easily. Besides his mind wasn't really at the banquet. Maybe he could visit what his mind was on later today or maybe tomorrow. After all, he didn't make the choice on that option. Maybe sometime in the future he could.

[ Victory Comes To One, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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