Love N' Hate (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

The lady entered the Imperial Throne room. "Your majesty, I bring grave news to you," the lady said with a curtsey. "What is it that you bring," the Emperor inquired. "Your majesty, I saw Fue de Joie kill your son," the lady blurted out. The Emperor looked at her for a moment and then ordered her away. She left quickly.

"Natonito, tell me something. Why is it that some people think that I should have no heirs? Why is that it that some people think they can do whatever they want to the Empire? Why is it that some people disrespect the Empire," the Emperor asked. The Directrix looked at the Emperor and shrugged. "It reminds me of many a story of rebellion in Bravia," the Directrix.

"I'm so sick of all of this bull. It's time that I do something serious about that Fue de Joie. Immediately, if anyone brings me him alive, dead, and/or him beheaded, I shall grant their family immediate wealth and immunity to most laws...," the Emperor informed the Directrix and a few imperial guards. "Let that sink in asshole," he yelled out towards Fue de Joie.

"He better hope that me and him never meet face to face. I'll show him the sword. I'll show him the dagger. I'll show him no mercy. His death will be the most painful one ever. I will invent a new method and call it the Fue de Joie. People will fear that name forever and ever. His memory will only be of being a tortured soul," the Emperor swore.

"As I have said, let it be so. No longer can Fue enter any part of this empire. Anyone who turns him in will not want for anything. They will never have to worry about where their next meal comes from. They will sit at my table. They will enjoy anything they want. They will get to see stuff that only the nobles see. They will be a noble. Their family will become protected by the Imperial Guards. Almost anything they wish will be theirs as surely as my name is Robert Russ III," the Emperor yelled.

The Directrix looked at him strangly. It had been the first time in years that anyone referred to the Emperor (either the Emperor himself or other parties involved) as just Robert Russ III. He had dropped his other names. He had returned to the old naming style, but why? Did he see no more future for his family? There were no children currently alive and he hadn't let a woman near him in years. Was this to be the end of the Russ Dynasty?

The proclamations from the Emperor didn't take long to spread like wild fire. Fue de Joie heard of them immeditely and ran with speed back to the home of the Secfenia Central Guard. He knew his days of wondering around freely were over at least for a bit. Everyone would be after him just for the reward alone. When some people find it hard to eat, they'll put money above their own loyalties.

News of the proclamation reached into the pub. Chris Lee and others were shocked of the news. Most of them knew that if only the would have done something the other day, they could have been rich, but alas their luck wasn't so good. "Damn it, we could have made a good living, eh, barkeep," Chris mentioned to the bartender. "I don't want to talk about it," the bartender commented turning away.

"What's up with you, man," Chris asked. "He was a good guy. He was one of the few who actually cared for people. Every day he came here he used to be genuinely interested in how we were doing. Whenever I needed it, he was my ear," the bartender stated. "Oh... I'm sorry," Chris said turning away. "I guess sometimes we stop thinking about how death affects us all when we are so close to it ourselves," Chris commented.

"Life is a very interesting thing. Especially in what it can bring. Life will go on. For some, death hurts more than for others. When someone close dies, the world around you can change. Things that were once sources of bright lights become a flashlight. The hurt inside can overwhelm, but one must move forward. Sometimes it's easier said than done. What's sad is that I've seen love turn into a bitter hate all through the loss. But one thing I learned from him was that we should all love life and keep the passion for it," the bartender told him.

"After all, what is life worth if we don't live through it with a sense of passion? Everything one does should be with zeal. Everything one does expresses their desire for life and love. We can choose between Love or Hate simply by the way we do things. It's all about love and hate. Which do we want to choose? I chose love. I am lucky to also have been chosen by love," Robert had told the bartender at some point in the past and the bartender had repeated for Chris.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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