Defender of the Faith (Part II)

By Nathan Albright

Chapter 2

The personal character went from the coast, where sentries watched for potential spies, and then sped along the trails up to the Viceroy's palace, an obviously finely built mansion in the mountains where humanity was created. After a long journey around the winding mountains, the carrier reached the palace, where several men with angry looks waited for the cleric.

"What are you doing here spy?" the interrogator said.

"I am no spy, I am looking for a one-of-a-kind manuscript that is in the library here," Wilfred replied.

"So you're telling me you are looking for a history book?" the interrogator replied. Some of the other members of the SCG laughed.

"Yes, that's what I am telling you. Are you hard of hearing?" Wilfred replied.

"I ask the questions around here," the interrogator answered curtly. "Why are you wearing these funny robes?"

"I am a cleric in West Fenia," Wilfred replied. "I am looking for the oldest history book in existence so I can finish my doctoral thesis on the mages and the early history of humanity."

"Ah, well, you have come to the right place if you want to find out about the mages, but we will be watching you to see that you do not spy on us," the interrogator said, smiling. "We have ways to know if you are spying on us."

"I only intend on staying in the library and where the mages are," Wilfred replied.

"We will see about that," the interrogator said with a dark smile under his black sunglasses.

"This man came on a fishing boat," the driver of the personal carrier said.

"That is mighty strange for a cleric," the interrogator said.

"Yes it is, it was the only ship willing to drop me off here at this island," Wilfred replied.

"Maybe they fear us as much as we fear them," the interrogator said to no one in particular. "Well, we have some very secure rooms here. I am sure you will enjoy your brief stay."

"I hope I do enjoy my brief stay, and I hope it will be brief only because I find what I need quickly, not because the rest of my days are brief," Wilfred replied.

"I did not know clerics had a sense of humor," the interrogator said wryly.

"You would be surprised," Wilfred replied.

"Well, I will leave you to your studying then." The interrogator said. "We will be keeping a close eye on you though."

"Fine with me. You can be as bored as you like," Wilfred replied.

"You have a funny sense of humor for a nerd," the interrogator replied.

"I try my best," Wilfred said.

"I am sure you do," the interrogator said as he walked away.

With that some of the people who had remained silent walked Wilfred into the palace, and up some stairs until they had a small room where Wilfred brought his bag of writing materials and clothing. He then went onto his bed, and, exhausted, he went to sleep. Meanwhile, outside, the people sent to keep tabs on him were bored out of his their minds.

[ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ]

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