Defender of the Faith (Part III)

By Nathan Albright

Chapter 3

One week later Wilfred and Beth returned to the seminary to find out what job that Wilfred would work at for the Church. As the two of them walked into the chief cleric's office, they saw some unhappy looks on the face of the chief cleric.

"What is wrong?" Wilfred asked.

"Well, even though there is a deep shortage of clerics around, there seems to be no demand for Bravian clerics," the chief cleric answered.

"You mean that when you were looking for a job for me that there were none because the people discriminated against me?" Wilfred said angrily.

"Yes, that's right. These clerics want Fenians or Jenusfians for clerics, but do not want Bravians anywhere near their churches. I do not understand why. After all, Bravian clerics tend to be the best of the lot. They marry, have good family lives, and aren't perverts like the other clerics. They are passionate about the truth, and Bravia is the only area in the Empire, or even outside of it, that does not lack for clerics," the chief cleric answered.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Wilfred asked.

"Well, wait here a while. I will try to give you some advice while I wait for some more SMS messages to come in," the chief cleric answered.

"Alright," Wilfred sighed.

"Whenever you do get your post, and I hope it will be soon, remember to rule the people with a strong arm," the chief cleric said.

"A strong arm?" Wilfred asked, slightly puzzled.

"Yes, a strong arm. I'm not named Armstrong for nothing," the chief cleric laughed.

"That is funny. Where did you get a good Bravian name like that?" Wilfred replied.

"I never told you, I am a Bravian myself, from the hill country near Russville," the chief cleric answered.

"Really, I am from that area as well. From Cork, in fact," Wilfred replied.

"I remember that. When you applied to this seminary I remember looking at your application and seeing someone who would be good for the ministry. After all, we need more fiery and emotional Bravians around, good solid people who can mix devotion to the faith and passion for the truth with kindness and friendliness," the chief cleric stated.

At this point, as they were talking, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," the chief cleric said.

Natonito opened the door, and came in rather hurriedly. The two people there looked at him rather oddly.

"What brings you here at this hour. We do not normally have guests now," the chief cleric said.

"Well, there has been a problem at the imperial school," Natonito replied.

"What problem is that?" the chief cleric answered.

"Some of the children chased out the cleric that I had hired for the school," Natonito said as Beth looked at Wilfred with large eyes.

"Well, we have a young cleric who needs a job," the chief cleric said pointing at Wilfred.

"Good. I think I have met the young lady beside you. Who is she?" Natonito said.

"She is my fiance, Beth Houser. Did you meet her at the tavern?" Wilfred replied.

"No, but she came over from the tavern with the rent one time," Natonito replied.

"Ah, I see," Wilfred said.

"So, are you up for working with a lot of bratty kids?" Natonito said.

"Nothing scares me," Wilfred laughed. "I am a Bravian."

"Good man, good man," Natonito said. "Follow me, and you too Miss Houser."

"Thank you, and see you some time," Wilfred said to the chief cleric as he headed off with Natonito.

"Hopefully," the chief cleric said.

Natonito, Wilfred, and Beth walked over to the palace. While walking they got to talking.

"You just got your doctorate, right?" Natonito said.

"Yes, that is true. I met you once before, when I was going off to the Viceroy's Palace to find the ancient history book," Wilfred replied.

"That's right. I meet so many people it is difficult to remember them, except when they have a pretty face," Natonito replied.

"Thank you," Beth said.

"You are very welcome. Hopefully you will enjoy it here at my palace," Natonito said.

"I am sure we will," Wilfred and Beth said in unison.

"Is there anything you need?" Natonito asked Wilfred.

"Beth and I are marrying in about a month, and we would like to use your palace chapel as the place for the wedding," Wilfred said respectfully.

"That would be no problem," Natonito said. "We can even have all of the students help out."

"That would be nice," Beth said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Alright, we are here at the palace now," Natonito said as he opened the door. "We will have all of the students assemble now. Then you shall deal with them and be their cleric. Besides handling religious information every week and every day for class, you will be there as a counselor for the students."

"Alright," Wilfred said.

Natonito walked into the Imperial school dormitories and told the students to meet in the classroom. The students, mad that their conversations (illicit ones as well, since it was past time for bed) had been broken up, had no choice but to obey. After all, you do not want to upset the second most powerful man in the empire twice in one day. They were lucky to be in the school as it was, and not being sent off to imperial boot camp. Wilfred was walking by a friendly young man with freckles towards the classroom.

"Hello, my name is Daniel Miller," the young man said.

"I am the new cleric, my name is Wilfred Smith," Wilfred replied.

"Where are you from?" Daniel asked.

"I am from Bravia, actually, a little town called Cork," Wilfred replied.

The normally loud young man was silent for a minute.

"I am from there too," Daniel replied.

"Wow, pleased to meet you. Hopefully it will be a good four years," Wilfred said, shaking his hand.

Having reached the classroom, Natonito and Wilfred walked up to the front of the sleepy class.

"This is your new cleric, Wilfred Smith, who has just gotten his doctorate from the Ambassador Seminary nearby. He will be your cleric now. If you in any way try to make life hard on him, I will make life very hard on you. Those who are guilty of pranks like this morning will be sent off to the Imperial Marines. Your parents will be informed of what you have done and will have to sign away your lives to me. Your lives will be a living hell, and you will seek out death after I am through with you," Natonito said evilly to a now very attentive audience. "Those of you that are good have nothing to fear from me."

"Welcome class. I hope that things will go well for the next four years. I am here as your spiritual and moral guide. If you have questions about religious beliefs, or if you are having a problem that needs counseling, that is what I am here for. If there is an issue that needs greater attention, I will speak to the Directrix about the matter and then we will go from there. If you are good students and good people, life will be easy for you, if not, life will be difficult for you. The choice is yours, really," Wilfred said.

"You must be a Bravian too," one of the miscreants said.

"Yes, I am, from the same city as one of you," Wilfred replied.

"Which one of us?" the miscreant said proudly.

"The young man over there," Wilfred said pointing at Daniel. The class was in stunned silence, except for Daniel, Delia, Henry, and Cherie, who were beaming. "It is time for you all to sleep, so I will not take any more of your time. I expect all of you to be ready for religious class tomorrow morning, because I will be prepared."

"What sort of doctrines will you teach?" Daniel asked.

"I will teach strictly out of the Holy Book. I do not know what you are used to," Wilfred replied.

"Thank you. That is what I believe in too," Daniel answered.

"Alright, class is dismissed," Wilfred said as the students ran out to the dormitories, where they soon fell asleep.

[ Chapter 1 ] [Chapter 3 ]

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