The Age of Glory (Part I)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

Michael Angelo walked with the guards who took him from the cell. Michael watched as he was led to a room with a huge bathing area. As Michael looked around he saw soap, fragrances, and beautiful towels. "Wash," one of the guards commanded. Michael complied and figured he might as well enjoy what would be his last bath. He soaked and bathed himself till he was respectable enough to make his last words cleanly. Michael once done with his bath stood up and dressed in a red and black uniform that was provided.

The guards put chains on Michael's hands and feet. Soon the time would come that Michael knew would come. The guards took the prisoner to a large dark room. A number of other chains were locked around Michael as he was forced to sit in a chair.

A tall man entered the room and the guards saluted him. "Michael Angelo, former citizen of the Secfenia Star Empire, you have been formally charged with treason against the people and government of the Empire. You have been found guilty in that charge by the Imperial High Court. I, Robert Lylles et Russ III, shall write your punishment for your crime," the tall man said with an evil grin. "Do you have any last words or regrets," Robert asked.

"Robert, my true crime against you is that I didn't realize how hard your heard became. You used to be decent, caring, and my friend. I regret that you are afraid of the truth and of history. I regret that you have turned your back to me and to the people who you supposedly care about. I, Michael Angelo, former protector of Viceroy Russ, shall die at the hand of the one I protected because he was protected and due to his callous heart. Do you ever care anymore? Do you have a heart? Do you think you will rule forever? There shall be a time when you will realize that when fear rules an empire, the empire's days are numbered. You used to know history. You used to know political insight and the flaws of fear driven empires. Don't you remember the Animal Empire? After all, you were called to court for treason against the Empire. After a true legal process, you were found innocent. I know that you were once in the spot I stand in today being accused of treason. Your complaints I heard and attempted to comfort. But now I stand in front of you accused of treason by you! Who shall comfort me," Michael asked.

Robert yawned and replied, "Death shall be your slow coming comfort. You have attempted to hurt those that are my subjects. They need not hear your version of history. We already have a true historian, the Directrix."

Michael laughed and said, "The Directrix writes 'history' to glorify you and his family. He is probably the only friend you still have. His heart is as cold as yours. Both of you faced love and found a bit of a freezer. It is not the loss of my life that I fear. I fear that the loss of all good in you is near. Are you lacking in feeling completely? Do you dare to destroy the truth I tell?"

The tall man smiled and commented, "There was a time you used to manipulate me with words, but this time you can't. Your words are meaningless. Your accusations and critical comments shall add to your punishment. You speak as a female fool. Guards, use the dagger to write his crime in his back."

The guards nodded and help him so his crimes could be written. Slowly, they carved his crime in his back with the dagger. "Where is your compassion? Where is your concern," Michael yelled in pain towards the Emperor. "I have no compassion, concern, or love for people like you. You must be crushed. No one who opposes the Empire shall live," the Emperor stated.

The Emperor took a bottle of alcohol and poured it down Michael's back. Michael screamed out in agony. "There shall be a day when your dark day will pass... by a dagger," Michael prophesied. Robert slapped Michael and said, "You shall die bleeding with much pain and suffering."

The Emperor took the dagger placing it slowly through Michael's back watching with joy as it slowly went through. Michael sat in misery feeling his life slowly retreating. "Robert... You are not who you used to be... You try to kill me because I represent what you used to be," Michael said slowly and with much pain.

Robert raised one eye brow and walked away. The door slammed shut and the room grew even darker for Michael. The temperature seemed to drop quickly. The life flowed out and his true last words were never heard by the Emperor

A few hours later, a guard came to the Emperor and told him that the punishment was fulfilled. The Emperor nodded and went off to eat his dinner. The guard left and went back to the prison area. He entered the cell of Angela. "Michael Angelo, charged with treason, has died," he told her. She nodded and the guard left. After the door shut, she began to cry.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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