Hope for the Future

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

Messengers came in groups to the New Fullerium palace. The Senators heard tales of the events of the morning. Many cities were plundered. Many cities fell in the morning. Confusion and tears filled the Senate Hall. Several senators left the metting chamber to mourn in their own rooms. Some knew they had lost family and friends. Others would learn about it in the next few days.

No longer could they debate. They needed an answer now. They needed help. Where could they find it? Several groups of senators went looking for an answer. One particular senator left the building in search of one particular person. He believed that person could restore New Fullerium.

A knock came on Lufue Zue's door. His wife answered the door. "Senator Manwella, good day," she greeted him. "Lady Zue, is Lufue in," he asked her. "Yes, but I'm afraid he's still not doing too well," she responded. "I see. Does he know of the news," Senator Manwella asked. She looked at him questioningly. "I don't know what you speak of. I don't get out too much myself. He gets out even less," she told him. "I see. There's been a tragedy and we need his help to avenge it," the Senator told her. "I don't know what he can do to avenge or assist in the stateof mind he's in now," she commented.

The senator sighed and wondered what to do next. "Do you need any help," he asked. She blinked twice and smiled. She extended her hand towards the dining room and said, "I might need some help with making sure all of the dinner is ate. It's been a bit since we've had a visitor in the house." He smiled and followed her into the dining room. He sat down and stared at the picture hanging up. In the picture, one could see a beautiful field that seemed to go on forever. There was tall grass throughout the fied. One could also see a little boy chasing a little girl. A person could almost smell the fresh air that seemed to flow right out of the picture.

Suddenly, the Senator heard a bird fly over his head. He looked around and saw the boy actively chasing the girl. He laughed at a dog running up to him and licking his hand. He felt his heart filled with joy and warmth. "Good boy," he said petting the dog. He looked up to see the boy tagging the girl and saying, "You're it!" The girl turned around and giggled. The boy ran as fast as he could. The girl chased after him.

The senator laughed and rocked his hcair back and forth. The boy and girl zig-zagged through the field. They would have continued to run, but the boy tripped over a rock. The girl tripped over him and laid next o him. They laughed together. The girl kisses him on the cheeck which caused the boy to blush. "You're it," she said standing up and running away. A gentle breeze blew and the Senator smiled as everything seemed to freeze in time.

"That was a gift from the Marshal. It was said to be enchanted," Lufue said sitting down next to the Senator at the dinner table. The senator smiled and said, "A most unique and beautiful gift." Lufue smiled quickly. He grabbed some turkey and put the turkey plate in front of the senator. "Lufue, we've missed you. We need your help," the senator told him. "Lest you forget, they asked me not to come near the senate. And lest you forget, you need to eat before possibly discussing such matters," he replied. Senator Manwella took a bite and then pondered about which way to approach the situation. Lufue's wife poured them both a glass of wine. The senator took a sip and lifted the glass. "A toast to the former Marshal," he suggested to Lufue. Lufue nodded and lifted the glass. "And to the future," Lufue said clinging his glass to the Senator's.

"The future is what I need to discuss with you. Before you try to stop me, let me explain. Lufue, no one in the history of New Fullerium has inspired more people in small towns to dream big. No one ever saw a time when someone from West Maue would be second in command. You are a very special person and we need your help. Before you say maybe or no, let me tell you why. The nation has been attacked. The land is filled with confusion and you are the only person I know of who can bring us back together. you are the only one who can inspire us to live again. If you don't agree to help us, you put us in a very serious hurt. We need someone to live the ideas of the former Marshal and to expand. Only you can do that. If you refuse to help us, you spit upon the ideas of the Marshal and abandon the nation. Can you do that," the Senator asked.

Lufue got up and left the room. The senator stood up concerned. "Was that too strong," he asked himself quietly. Lufue's wife looked at the senator. "Wait here, I'll check on him," she said leaving the room for a minute. The Senator sat back down and looked at the picture again. He thought for a second he heard an elderly lady's voice yell out, "Angelique, dinner time. Bring in your friend too!" The Senator looked around to see if there was anyone in the other rooms. He quizzically stared at the picture. All of a sudden he saw the dog run away. Lufue's wife reentered the room and smiled. "He says for you to wait a few minutes, he's got to get ready to show back up to the chambers. I'll get you some dessert while you wait," she said. The Senator smiled and nodded. "Thank you," the senator said. He smiled as he got to share a delicious chocolate pie with Lufue's wife.

Lufue Zue walked into the dining room. "I see you are ready to go," the senator said. "It's time for me to help again," he told the senator. He gave his wife a kiss and told her, "I'll be back soon. I love you." She smiled and replied, "I love you too." The senator and Lufue Zue left the home and followed the shortest route to the Senate Hall.

As Lufue Zue and Senator Manwella entered the Senate Chambers, a quiet filled the room as people stared at Lufue Zue. Senator Manwella took the podium and cleared his throat. "Senators of New Fullerium, I present to you the future of New Fullerium. I present the one person who we have shut out that we need. I present the only person who can help us in this hour of need. I present the only Senator ever from the town of West Maue. Who else could lead us than one who had suffered loss with us? Who else could lead us than the one who has never turned his back on us even when everyone turned their back on him? I call a vote to make Lufue Zue Marshal of New Fullerium," Senator Manwella said.

A senator from the town of Maue stood up. "I second the motion. It's good to see him back again. I don't see anyone who is more qualified. Let a vote begin," he told the Senate. The senators mumbled to themselves and weighed the options they had in front of them. One particular senator stood. "I will vote for Lufue not because he is the best choice, but to expose that he isn't the right choice," the senator said. Slowly the votes for and against where put in. An official counter approached the podium and quieted everyone down. "The votes have been counted and recounted. Lufue Zue has acquired an 83 percent acceptance for the position of Marshal. According to New Fullerium law and traditions, this places him as Marshal," the counter said. Senator Manwella started the applause and shook the new Marshal's hand.

The new Marshal approached the podium and smiled. "I shall never be able to be as great as our late great Marshal. I hope I can bask in just some of his reflected glory. It is a time of great pain. We must heal the wounds and make sure we don't get stabbed again. I appoint the Senate with the duty of finding a good chief of staffs. I however will begin work on getting the military back in shape. Today is the starting of the healing and we shall succeed," Lufue Zue told the crowd. The Senate Hall applauded loudly as Lufue Zue left the room.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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