Victory Come To One

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

A senator on his knees crying over the state of his hometown looked up into the air. He saw the dark rain clouds and knew it would only be a moment before he would be soaked. Did it matter to him? Not really. "After all, what could make this day worse," he inquired out loud. His eyes glazed over and the tears met the rain with the same intensity of the down pour.

"Oh, where are the days of joy? Why did this have to happen? I've done everything that I could, didn't I? Why, oh, why," he asked. His whole clothing was soaked and his heart downtroden. The world was very dark and dreary to him. All around he could smell the wrath of the Imperial Army. Dear friends he fould slaughtered. Nothing had prepared him for this day.

Through the tears in his eyes, he saw a little girl moving towards him. He barely recognized her as a friend's child. "Amy, is that you," the senator cried out to her. "Uncle jon," the little girl asked. "Amy, it is you," he said with a smile. He jumped up and ran to her and hugged her. "Amy, are you okay? Are you fine," the senator asked. The girl nodded her head.

"I need to take you away from here. You don't need to experience this. You are too innocent... too young for this. Why today on your birthday," the senator asked outloud. The girl looked down at the ground. Footsteps were heard. "Hide in the barrel over there, Amy," the senator told her. She obeyed and hid away.

A military man with sword drawn grinned. "Good day, Senator, today is a good day to die, isn't it," the military man asked him. "Why have you done this to us? Why," the senator asked. The military man grinned. "You do realize that New Fullerium is a plague to us. We need to rid them off the continent. We need to restore the continent. I am under orders from the Admiral to take out anyone in this town. I guess I missed one. You should appreciate the fact that I can't let you live. After all, then I'd fail my mission. We wouldn't want that, would we," the military man asked.

"I wouldn't mind, mind you, but alas I doubt that I can convince you of that," the senator commented trying to stand his ground. "You know that you can't. An order from any Imperial Admiral that isn't followed can lead to, well, my untimely death. If I have to choose between my death and yours. I pick yours," the military man informed him.

"Make it quick, then," the senator requested. "It is the least I can do. After all, if our places were reversed, I could understand your position," the military man told him. "May your children never meet mine," the military man yelled as he killed the senator instantly. The senator feel back first into the mud.

"Sometimes I swear that I don't get paid enough for this," the military man said as he started to walk away. After the man had completely exited the area, the little girl crying walked up to the body of the senator. She bent down and kissed his forehead. "Uncle... uncle jon...sleep well," she whispered as tears drowned out any happy thoughts that she should have had.

[ Mirror Mirror, Part II, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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