Age of Glory (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

"Angie, what type of fly is that," a little girl asked. Angela smiled a little. "Jenny, that creature is called a butterfly," she told the little girl. Jenny smiled. "They seem to like you, Angie," Jenny responded. "Yes they do. A lot of times creatures can tell when you are friendly. They like to be happy and like to be happy with you. You like to be happy with others, right," Angela asked her. Jenny nodded and commented, "I like to be around you." Angela smiled and hugged Jenny.

"You have a heart of gold, Jenny. Your parents must be proud," she said. Jenny looked down at the ground. "What's wrong," Angela asked. "I don't have a mommy or daddy anymore," Jenny said with a tear forming in her eye. Angela hugged her. "I'm sorry to hear that... I don't have a mommy or daddy anymore either. They are gone," Angela told her. Jenny looked up at her. "What happened to them," she asked. Angela looked towards the butterflies. "I don't really know...," she said.

Angela looked towards a beautiful Viceroy flying in the air. "Jenny, sometimes bad things happen to everone, but when they do, you have to try to focus on the positive. I know it can be hard... very hard. But if you don't, you can lose the joy of living," Angela told her. "Hey, you wanna walk around a little," Angela said with a smile. Jenny nodded. Jenny took Angela's hand and they started to walk around the garden area a little.

"Angie, why is it that you are the only one that plays with me," Jenny asked. Angela stopped. "Why do you think that? I see lots of kids playing hide and seek with you," Angela pointed out. "But it seems like they never played with me before you came here... they don't like me," Jenny told her. "Sometimes people are afraid of playing with someone new. Sometimes people let their own fear of meeting someone new stop them from ever becoming friends. You know I'm your friend right," Angela asked. Jenny nodded and replied, "My best friend." Angela smiled.

Angela sat down and motioned for Jenny to do the same. Jenny sat down next to her. They sat there smelling the fresh air. The light bounced off the quartz pendant that Angela was wearing around her neck. It seemed to shine with the joy that filled her heart. Jenny smiled and pointed to the pendant. "That's pretty Angie," Jenny said. "Thanks, a friend gave it to me before he went away," Angela told her. "Where did he go," she asked Angela. "To a place very, very far away," Angela told her. "The same place my parents are," Jenny asked. Angela looked away for a second. "Probably...," Angela said quietly. "I'm sorry, Angie," Jenny said and gave Angela a hug.

Angela smiled. "Thank you, Jenny," she said. "The person who gave this to me told me that everything was going to be okay. And you know what... I believe it. No matter what happens everything will be okay as long as we remember there is always hope," she told Jenny. Jenny smiled and replied," As long as you are near, I know that everything is okay." Angela smiled and commented, "I know." They both smiled and watched the environment around them.

A little boy ran by them both smiling and screaming with glee. He seemed to be chasing after something or someone. They watched as another boy poked his head out of the bushes a few feet behind them. "Angie, did he see me," the boy asked. Angela smiled and shook her head no. "Better run off and hide somewhere else though... You don't want him to come back and find you," Angela said. The boy nodded and ran off in the other direction. The seeker came back to Angela and Angela smiled. "Did you see Mark," Angela asked. Jenny giggled. "I think he just passed this way," Angela told him. The boy ran off yelling, "I'm going to find you Mark...". Angela smiled. Jenny looked at Angela and smiled. They both looked forward into the gentle breeze.

Jenny pointed towards a Viceroy butterfly and said, "Angie! Angie! Look it's a Fly... wait... No a Butterly!" Angela smiled. The Viceroy fluttered close to the two of them. Angela held out her pointer finger and the butterfly landed on it. Jenny leaped with glee. "Hold out your finger like I am," Angela told her. Jenny complied and held her finger out. "Now be very still...," Angela told her. Jenny nodded. Angela slowly put her finger next to Jenny's. "It's okay... she won't hurt you...," she whispered to the butterfly. The butterfly flapped its wings a little and put its first leg on Jenny's fingers. Jenny's eyes opened large as she watched the butterfly slowly walk onto her finger. It filled her with joy as it was the first time she had ever had a butterfly on her finger. Angela smiled. Jenny smiled and watched the butterfly for a while.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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