Bonfire (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

"It's been a while since I've seen such a perfect day," Anias told her prisoners as she walked up to the Bravian Prison Yard. The guard looked at her and smiled. "I see you have captured some more of those bastards," the guard commented. "Yep, I think I might have just set a new quota for others," Anias said jokingly. "Lady Russ, I'm just glad you are on our side," the guard informed her unlocking the first prison gate. Anias nodded and walked forward pulling on the chains of her prisoners.

She led them through a maze of corridors designed to confuse people who had never been to the place before. She, however, had been here a few times before bringing in new prisoners. After all, she had served the Bravian and the Secfenian peoples alike for years as a police officer. Justice is what she sought. It was at the heart of the Russ legacy. For years, the Russ family served the people as either Kings, Presidents, Police Officers, Justices, or other public servants.

Her train of thought jolted back to the paths as it lead to the "de-briefing" room. She led them instead and stood back watching the procedings. Several guards stripped them of their clothes. Another guard came up and sprayed them down with water. After they were clean, that guard told them of the rules of the prison. The prisoners were then assigned living quarters. One particular prisoner was taken aside and put in a cell by herself.

"Natonito and Oen will want to see her," she told the guards watching over the prisoner who was set to the side. One guard nodded and went off to find Natonito. Anias waited right outside the cell and listened to the prisoner let off a bunch of swear words left and right. "If I were you, I'd learn to control your tongue now. If not, the guards may take care of the problem. They won't be as patient as I am," Anias warned her. The lady stared at her with contempt.

The silence stayed there until Natonito came into the room. "Is this Viceroy Chryssa," he asked. "Yes," Anias told him. "Excellent, Lady Russ... but why are we punishing our guards? Put some clothes on her before we have to find new guards," Natonito ordered. As soon as the words left his mouth, clothes appeared in the cell. Viceroy Chryssa dressed and stared at Natonito. Natonito shuddered and walked out the prison.

Not too much later, another guest appeared. The guest approached Anias Russ and nodded. "Lady Russ, I've been sent by Elizabeth Smith to see Viceroy Chryssa," Fue de Joie told her. "She's in that cell there," she told him. Fue nodded and requested that he be left alone with her for a few moments. Anias nodded and left.

"How the mighty have fallen, Chryssa," Fue said. "You insolent fool! They will come for me and when they do, I will have all of your heads," Chryssa told Fue. Fue laughed. "Maybe you are unaware of what has been happening. Your precious Empire is falling to pieces. The Icelancers have claimed Ameriana for themselves. Secfenia is independant and you, bitch, are going to be here for a long time. Even your precious Emperor has denounced you as a traitor," Fue informed her handing her a wanted sign that called for her dead or alive from the Star Empire.

She spit on the paper and ripped it in two. "All lies. I shall have your head first," she told him. Fue laughed some more. "You realize that your head is gonna stay attached for quite some time. You are going to be picked on for years. You, peon, are detained. Seems like your desire to detain me backfired. Elizabeth Smith will be glad to hear you are confined to a Bravian prison. Maybe Natonito may spare you years of hard labor, but I doubt it," Fue commented.

"You don't scare me. I've faced worse then you when I was younger," she told him. "I don't care if I scare you or not. You aren't in my hands. If you were, you would have been thrown into the Puria bonfire like the troops that tried to tread on our soil," Fue told her. She blinked and for a second looked disgusted and then realized she had done the same thing - so it couldn't have been so bad.

"Oh, and Elizabeth said that she decided to let me burn your dagger. I guess you'll never get to get it back after all," Fue said laughing. Chryssa lost her temper and tried to get to him through the metal bars. "How the mighty have fallen... you are now caged like the animal you are," Fue said leaving the room to let Elizabeth know that indeed Bravia did capture the infamous Chryssa.

[ Bonfire, Part II, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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