Bonfire (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 4

Fue's eyes slowly opened and he tried to sit up and passed out again. In a few seconds of conscious time, Fue reopened his eyes. His vision was blurry. "Where am I," he asked. He tried to look around but he could not put the world around him into focus. "Relax," a voice told him. "You were badly hurt," it continued. Fue laid back down and closed his eyes trying to make the pounding headache stop. He sighed and slipped away for a few more bits of time.

When he opened his eyes again, his headache was mostly gone and his vision was better. "Where am I," he asked. "You are at your new home," a lady's voice said. "I don't understand. What happened," Fue demanded her to tell him. "Sir, Admiral Pickett will brief you when you are ready," she commented. "I see. So am I a prisoner," he asked her. She looked away and shook her head.

A door opened and Jonathan Pickett, the messenger who first went to Fue's house, came through. "You are a prisoner of your own accord. The government has changed. The world is not what it was. The whole Secfenia Central Guard has been disbanded and exiled. You are considered as the rest of us are - criminals against the state. We no longer can live like we used to. We are the only free links to the old Secfenia way," Jonathan Pickett told him.

"What makes you think I will help you," Fue asked. Jonathan smiled and looked at him. "I know you are in a similar situation as me. We are both part of the Secfenia Central Guard. Elizabeth Smith made it clear to me that when things fell apart, that you would be able to assist. I trust her words and I think she is right. After all, we both have suffered at his hands," Jonathan commented.

Fue looked away. "And I owe you something, don't I," Fue said offhandedly. "One might say that. We did save your life," Jonathan commented. "How," Fue asked flatly. "We found you by a tree practically dead. We found you at the same time that some of the Imperial troops did. We convinced them that you were dead and that we were going to bury you. You were in such bad condition that some of the men thought that was exactly what we were going to do. We got you back here and worked on you day and night, but you weren't easy to fix," Jonathan informed him.

Fue forced a smile. "So, I do owe you one," Fue commented. "No, not really. If you want to help us, then please do. We need help to try and restore the legitimate ruler. It may take time, but it is at the very least my duty," Jonathan said.

Fue looked around the room a little rising up a bit. A tear formed at his eye. His memories of her flooded through his mind. His heart ached. He tried to force it down further. He wiped the tear away and set his face to stone. He tried to turn his heart the same way, but not so successfully.

Then he heard the words of Michael Angelo in his head. Michael Angelo told him this would happen. "If only I had listened to him," Fue commented to no one in particular. Jonathan sat back watching Fue in an internal distress. Jonathan knew that every single member of his group had their own internal distress. It was just a matter of how bad it got and how well they could handle it.

Memories flooded through Fue's head. His whole previous life that was wrapped around his former wife's life flew past. The agony of it all overwhelmed him. He couldn't help but cry. The tears did not stop as the memories started to circle around him. "Get yourself together," he told himself.

He blinked his eyes for a few seconds and the room around him became white. He started around and saw nothing. Being confused, he stood up and tried to walk around a little. Suddenly, he heard a voice. "Fue...," the female voice said very faintly. Fue tilted his head and then the memories came flashing again.

"Aamie, is that you," Fue said in a whisper. A shadow emerged from the bright whiteness. "Fue...," the shadow called out to him using Aamie's voice. "Aamie, it's me... Fue," he informed me. The shadow smiled and slowly her image filled the shadow. Her form appeared and her beautiful hair blew in the non-existant breeze.

"Where are we, Aamie? I'm scared," Fue told her. "Honey, you are visiting me in a place far away from here. But I can't let you alone without talking to you first," Aamie commented. Fue went up to her and hugged her. "Do I ever have to let you go? Can't we stay here together? You don't have to let me alone ever," Fue said.

Aamie gently laughed as she kissed Fue's forehead. "I'm sorry things turned out this way. I never thought this would happen. I always thought your temper would be what hurt us. I never knew how stupid I can be," she told him. "Honey, you mustn't say that," Fue responded. "It's true. I should have never confronted Robert Russ III alone. I should have told you before it happened. I should have said a million things. I'm sorry it turned out this way," she told him.

He looked at her face and wiped away the tears. "Honey, in the time I've known you and been happy to be married to you, I learned a lot of things. You have been my driving force throughout life. I don't know how I can survive without you," Fue honestly informed her. "Fue, my dear, there's nothing you can do to bring me back. You have to live your life. Strive to reach the stars like you always did when I was by your side. Remember, I am always with you. Not in person anymore, but in your heart. I love you Fue de Joie," she said kissing him.

"I love you too, Aaime de Joie," he said kissing her back. He sat there kissing her closing his eyes. For that one moment, he could pretend that all was okay with the world. She was there with him. Everyone was great. It was just all a bad dream. Slowly she began to fade away. "Fue, help them for me," she said as her figure disappeared completely.

Fue opened his eyes to an empty room and cried. His life seemed so empty. He had only one choice now. He had to help Jonathan and the rest of the Secfenia Central Guard. He had to do that for his wife. He had to do that for vengance. He had to do that for himself.

[ Chapter 3 ] [ Mirror, Mirror, Part I, Chapter 1 ]

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