Love N' Hate (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

April sat in the middle of the meadow reading a story of spring. The warm air around her caressed her fair skin. Occasionally her fingers would brush the page to the next. Entranced in the book, she did not hear Robert coming nearby. He sat a few feet away from her and watched.

She felt the eyes on her and looked up. "Robert, what you doing here," she asked him putting the bookmark in the book. "I just thought I would come by and say Hi, but if you don't want me to," Robert responded. She put her book down and commented," I didn't say that, not did I?" Robert smiled and laughed a little.

"That is true... But you know I never want to be a bother to you," Robert said. "Of all the words to describe you, bother would not be one of them," she replied with a hint of a smile. "Oh, is that so," he asked teasing her a little.

The hint was gone and was replaced with a full blown clue. She gently put her hand onto his. Robert squeezed her hand and grinned. Holding her close was a habit he loved and wanted never to break away from. Obvious to anyone who would pass them at this time would be the fact that that was mutual.

A yellow sulphur glided down in the mist and caught their eyes. Slowly they watched the butterfly do what looked like tricks right before their eyes. The smiled and held each other closer enjoying the sight. Flying up, down, and sideways, the two saw the creature entertain them.

"You know it's always nice to be near you. The world seems perfect when you are in my arms," Robert told her. She let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes. Robert glanced upon her face. He loved her smile. He loved the way that she held his hand and held his attention. He found it hard to find a better time in his life.

"April, you're very pretty," Robert told her. She grinned. "There's that cute little smile I like so much," he said with his own version of a grin. "You're silly, you know that," she commented. "Yes, I know, but I never said I wasn't," he replied. She nodded her head in agreement. "But it's not all bad," she told him.

Robert leaned in and kissed her cheek. He could feel his heart begin to pound a mile a minute or so it seemed. His hand reached up and slowly traced the outline of her face. He could feel her response. He could feel the silkiness of her skin. Her skin was as a fine silk that one could find only if you were of the highest wealth. Calmly, he took his hand across the traces of her face feeling its gentleness under his fingers. He could feel her heart racing. He knew that it wasn't just him who loved it when he did that.

He leaned in and kissed her other cheek. No sign of protest came forth. Gently his lips touched hers in a soft embrace. Together they held for what could have been a millenium to them. Slowly, their lips parted and they withdrew for a brief time. Looking at her, his heart played sixteenth notes with allegro.

His mind was filled with thoughts of bliss. The cold realities of the world vanished. Even if he wanted to, he would find it impossible to think of the bad things that existed in the world. His mind was fixated on her. The world around him melted away and there was only them together sitting there holding hands enraptured by her beauty.

He stared there and slowly closed his eyes leaning in. Their lips met again and slowly opened. Passionately they kissed in a universe of bliss. His hands now rubbing her back comfortingly. Her hands pulling him close to her. Semi-quietly they stay in a locked embrace for what could have been a second or a minute of which neither could tell.

Spring had come for their hearts. Even as they released each other from the other's arms. The looks on their faces said so much. It was easy to read that they loved each other. No one would argue that. The thoughts they shared. The hopes they shared. "The future is filled with so many possibilities," they had said at different occasions in the past.

"I love you," Robert told her. "I know. I love you too," April responded. "This must be heaven," Robert thought to himself. "There is nothing quite being able to be with you, hun. No where I'd rather be than here in your arms. You have no idea how you affect me," Robert informed her. April grinned and replied, "Are you sure?" Robert shook his head.

"And it's mutual on the affect part," April commented. Robert grinned and held her close. "Of that, I am glad. There is nothing worse than caring for someone and them not returning it," Robert told her. Both let out a content sigh as they held each other close.

[ Love N' Hate, Part I, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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