Memories (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

A gentle breeze caressed the meadow that April was sitting in. It was her day off. It was their day or at least it used to be. She looked up at the incoming rain clouds and smiled. Very few looked forward to rainy days, but it was one of the many unique things about her. The heat of the day was vanishing and so were any worried in her mind.

She sat there watching the clouds pass. Her mind empty of sadness, dobuts, and fears. The world was good. Little did she knoew, but the world was to change soon. Fate had decided that soon her view was to be altered and what she knew was to be true was to be challenged at the core. Her world would be altered forever.

Staring off in the distance, she noticed two figures coming near. Watching them with remove interest, she noted they were a good length away. She laid back and faly the wind caressing her. "Zachre," a voice whispered. The world around her swirled into brilliant colors.

"April," a voice called out to her. "Yes," April inquired curious as to what was occuring. "Your love is returning. Go forth and take him back," the voice commanded her. "Who are you," she asked in reply. "I am the voice of the one you seek, but have yet to get. Take him as yours. Don't let him slip away again," the voice commanded.

April looked into the distance and saw a red orb floating. She tried walking in the emptiness of where she was. She knew she was getting closer to it, but she didn't know how, if she was doing it or if it was coming to her. "You seek me and yet you run from me. Very interesting," the orb commented. "Don't hide from what you want," it said glowing. "I'm not. I don't know what I want," she uttered. "Are you sure," the orb replied. April felt her heart fill her with warmth. Visions, emotions, dreams, and memories flew across her mind.

"I love you," she whispered through the clear air. The orb seemed to smile at her and come near to her. "He's no longer just a memory if you let him in," it said stopping next to her heart. She opened her arms and closed her eyes. The orb became one with her heart and a big grin filled her face.

Feels of the past filled her. Her loss was removed for the time being. She knew where she was and where he was. She knew that she would see him again. How? When? That was a mystery, but then again who doesn't like a good mystery?

She opened her eyes and once again she was in the field. A rain drop caressed her cheek and slowly slid down her face. It was followed up by a friend and then another one. A light sprinkle played with her and she laughed. "Spring has returned again," she said.

In her heart, she knew that everything was okay once again. She didn't know why or how, but she knew it was. She could feel the warmth of the air and the warmth of her heart together once again. It was something she desired so much and yet until that moment had yet to recapture.

Her hair now soaked with water laid firmly against her back. She could almost feel her love's hand slowly brushing through her hair with his fingers. She could almost feel her hand tracing her lips and the curves of her next and face. She could almost feel his body so close to hers. She could almost just reach out and hold him like she wanted to so desparately.

Her heart begged for his presence. "It's only fair, isn't it," it asked of her. "After all, he loved you and you know how fond of him we are," it argued with her. Her mind tried to discuss the matter, but it already knew that it agreed with the heart too much to give a good, solid arguement. They both ended up consenting to the thought of having him near.

After all, she did enjoy feeling his heartbeat. It was always nice to feel his fingers trace hers. The little fires that would be ignited throughout her body. She desired to feel him again. To be kissed by her love, to be comforted, to be held. That isn't too much to ask, right?

After all, what significant other doesn't want to see their special someone? Would they ever hate to be held and told how much they mean to that person? Who would ever hate to be told that they are loved for who they are? Who would loathe a gentle night kiss from their loved one? Who would be bitter over the three little words their honey could express?

[ Memories, Part I, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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