Memories (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 2

Walking towards the field soaked to the bone, Chris sighed. "I guess today was just meant to be one of those days," Chris commented. Alex smiled. "I take it you don't like rainy days," Alex inquired. Chris shrugged. "Isn't it a better oman to return home on a sunny day? Wouldn't you rather have a day full of sunshine lacking mud," Chris replied with a cast down face. Alex just shook his head.

Chris turned away from the field. "It will be less muddy to go this way," Chris commented. Alex shrugged and followed his guide. "It's a shame that things turned out this way. He went all that way for nothing. Confusion was his only answer. I wodner what can be done for him," Chris thought to himself.

"I am grateful for the help he has given me. He has brought me close to the brink of understanding, but I have yet to understand how to cross that threshold at the moment. He has the heart to take me on the voyage without any promise of payment or anything. It is rare to find such a generous individual in our society. I must find a way to repay him," Alex thought to himself.

"Chris, I think I would like to rest awhile when I return to Fenia, but afterwards...," Alex informed him. "Afterwards, I'll do my best to help you with whatever I can," Chris commented trying to smile the best he could. "Thank you, Chris," Alex replied. "You are welcome. I always try to help a person in need. I remember when soneone did that for me," Chris commented. "Who was that," Alex asked.

"It all started one day when I was at the pub. I had just lost my one job and was feeling sorry for myself. I brought my last paycheck into the place and knew what I was going to do about it. Sitting at the bar, I was going nowhere fast. Drinking was not something I was ever really good at. Then again, some might have asked what I was good at.

"A man came up next to me. He was an outlaw. He was listed as extremely dangerous. A dagger he had visible on his side. One does not argue with someone who carries a weapon so visible. It could mean death to do so and I definately didn't want to push that button.

"No one complained when he sat down next to me. Asking if I had a problem with it, he patted his dagger. I shook my head. Why should I turn him in? What good would it do me? After all, I had nothing to gain from it. Sure, the state might give me money, but if he escaped, guess who he'd come after?

"We chatted for a bit and I told him of my problems. After all, a little alcohol in my system and it worked as a truth serum. Unfortunately, I get long winded too. Anyway, he mentioned to me sometime that I should check out a group called the Secfenia Central Guard. They used to work as a protector of the state. However, they were exiled after the emperor came to power.

"I visited them expecting to find the man, but he was gone. I walked with several of the people there and worked with them for a little while. They helped me understand that things may improve for us if we work for it. Ever in the dark clouds and dark skies of life, there can be light. They even hooked me up with a job here in Fenia.

"I work as part of the underground movement here. I am the guide and information source for hundreds in Fenia. That is my repayment for what he has done for me. I don't get much pay, but I don't expect much ether. I am far from being really poor. I earn enough where I like my job and I can support my family," Chris informed Alex.

"Did you ever get his name," Alex asked curiously. Chris grinned. "I forgot to mention that, didn't I? Silly little me! His name was Fue de Joie and he was from a long line of Purian nobles. His positions and titles were stripped many years ago. Everything he had known was taken away. He lost his parents and relatives at a young age. Some years later, he lost his wife too. If he can stay on the positive side, why can't we," Chris asked. Alex smiled and noticed dusk approaching.

"Thank you for everything you've done so far. I appreciate it greatly and I will find a way to repay you," Alex commented. "In one form or another you shall. Search after your happiness and it will be reward enough," Chris stated. Alex nodded and knew he would repay him very soon if he could.

[ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ]

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