Memories (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

Alexc laid awake in bed unable to sleep. It wasn't that he wasn't tired, but rather that every time he closed his eyes, his mind would bring visions, thoughts and ideas to chase away any hope of sleep. Tossing and turning was the closest he came to sleep. Giving up and just sitting there, he sighed.

A knock came upon his door. Alex stood up and asked, "Who is it?" "I am Jessica. I need to discuss with you a matter of grave concern," the voice from the other side stated. Alex opened the door and a blonde haired young lady stood on the other side. "Please come in," Alex requested of her. "Thank you so much," she said entering the room.

"What is this matter that you wish ti discuss," Alex inquired. "Let me introduce myself first. I am Jessica Alyssa Wessex de Gud. I would be the former girlfrined of Alexander," she said with a look of pain. Alex turned his head to the side and looked her over.

Trying to pull any memories of her out of his head, Alex closed his eyes. "Think. Do you know her," Alex asked himself. His hamster in his mind began to run a marathon trying to find maybe one locked memory. "Jessica Alyssa," her voice repeated in his head. Suddenly, it found something.

He was sitting at the pub. There she was sitting across the table from him. "Do you like him," he asked her. "Yeah, but what if he doesn't like me? Or doesn't like me in that way? What would I do then," she asked him. "Well, from what I've heard that is his fear too. he seems to like you a lot and he's a great guy," he told her.

She sighed and smiled. "But who makes the first move," she inquired. "Well, both of you are afraid to step forward. Life isn't meant to take too seriously. After all, you aren't gonna get out of it alive. Trust me, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain," he told her.

"I guess you are right, but I dont know," she said with another sigh. Grinning, he replied," Don't make me do it. You know I would have way too much fun doing it too." She scanned his expression and decided if he would do it. She knew she wouldn't want to risk it. "You probably would, wouldn't you," she asked. He nodded and then attempt to whistle innocently.

"Alright, alright. I'll deal with it. it would be better if I did it than you. You might make a production out of it otherwise," she commented. He finger drew a halo above his head. She just laughed. "I tell you I just don't know what to think of you. You are on the wierdest people I have ever met, Robert," she commented.

"Hey, I resemble that remark," he stated with a laugh. She just shook her head. "Alex is lucky to have a friend like you," she told him. he shrugged and thought, "Now, that's something I don't hear often. Who would really miss me if I was gone? Maybe a few people, but they would move on. After all, what impact have I really had?"

She smiled at him. "Sometimes I don't know what this place would do without ya," she commented. He shrugged and thought, "They'd survive. I'm not even a dot on the map of existance to most people." "Eh, I do what I can. Besides, I always love help people be happy. It's my qyest in life," he informed her. She nodded and rasied her glass into the air. "To happiness," she said clinking his raised glass.

The vision swirled around and he stood there looking at Jessica. "Are you okay," Jessica asked him. "Yes, I'm sorry about that," he told her. "No problem. I hear that there is someone here who claims to be Alex. Do you know anyone or anything about this," she inquired.

He nodded. "I was the one who thought I was Alex. I woke up badly inured and lacking the knowledge of who I was. However, through my hourney, it seems that I have seen I am not who I thought I was, but I do remember you," he informed her. She sat down on the bed.

"It has been a long while since I've seen you last. Tomorrow, if you are available, maybe we can find out more. I know I have some pictures of you and him. Maybe that will clear things up," she noted. He stood next to her. He could see tears ready to fall from her eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss," he stated.

"It's nothing I can't live through," she said fighting back tears. "Life happens and then you die," she told him. he approached her and put his hand on her shoulder. "at the end of the tunnel, there is always light," he replied. "Hopefully not of a train though," he thought.

"Thank you. I should be going now. It is late in the night," she noted. He nodded and replied, "Good night." She walked out the door and he closed it. he sighed and plopped down onto the bed. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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