Memories (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

April sat in her room looking at the crystal rose she had been given by her love. She remembered how touched she was by the gift. It was one of the anniversary presents he had given her. He had known about her love for roses and decided to surprise her. She remembered the tears that came forth from her eyes. She could almost feel his gentle kisses on her hands, her face, and on her lips.

A knock came upon her door and she was rushed back into reality. "Come in," she whispered. The bartender came into her room. "Is there some way I can help you," she asked regaining her full composure. "You have a visitor waiting for you," he said. "Oh? Anyone in particular," she inquired. "Chris has brought him to you," the bartender commented. She nodded and replied, "I'll be out in a few moments. I need to get freshened up." The bartender nodded and left.

She sighed. "I am very silly," she said. Staring at the rose, she whispered, "I love you, Robert." She went over the the rose and picked it up. "A symbol of my undying love for you," Robert's voice echoed in her head.

Never did she question his kindness, his love, and how special she was to him. Some days she doubted herself. Some days she just waited for it to completely unravel. As each day passed, she was reminded of his love for her. How could she not be? He would sometimes leave little notes for her. He would do little things to remind her of how he felt.

Like one time they were along the road and they saw some very beautiful antiques. One in particular had caught her attention. She had really wanted it, but convinced herself that she didn't need it. Later on that day, she regreted not getting it, but didn't think about it too much. A week later she found a present on her bed. Quickly, she unwrapped it and there it was.

She didn't know what to think. He was always sweet to her. She at times wondered if she ever gave enough back, but then again don't most long lasting couples ask taht at times? He had never questioned if she gave back enough. At times, he's tell her how much he appreciated everything that she gave and did for him. "April, you make me very happy," he would tell her occasionally. She knew it was true.

After all, happiness was one of the best gifts that he had given her. Even in his absense, she could think of him and feel the warmth of their love. How many times had they been lying in their separate beds and thought of each other? How many times had they whispered up to the air the three little words that warms the heart? How many times had they desired to hold each other close?

It wasn't that they couldn't live a happy life apart, but why be separate if not necessary. Their love added a spice to their life. It added a dash of this and a pinch of that. Life was definately good.

Who would argue if a chef placed a person's favorite food in front of them? Who would argue if they got a nice dessert afterwards? Who would argue with a kiss during life's pleasant down pour? Who would argue with being held on a bad day being comforted? Who turns away from the encouragement of a loved one?

April knew her life was good. She knew she was loved by a very special man. What made her even happier was the face that she knew how special he made her feel. This wasn't an easy task, but love seems to take away certain viels and traps and lets one come forth. The memories of them together were special to her and what gave her happiness in times of sadness.

[ Memories, Part II, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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