Memories (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 3

Chris stared at them. "They were meant for each other," he thought. They had been locked in their embrace for a good amount of time. Chris smiled seeing how much they cared for each other. It was something obvious to all. The way that they looked at each other told more than words could ever say.

"Robert, we need to go somewhere more private so I can tell you more," April noted trying to motion them outside. Robert nodded and took the hint. Chris looked at the two of them and responded, "Safe Journey. I've done my job." Robert smiled and waved. "Safe Journey, Chris. Thank you for returning him," April said standing. The three of them walked out of the pub together. Once out the door, Chris went one way and the two went the other.

The two went out to the meadow where April hugged him once more. "Robert, you must have been through an incredible voyage," April commented. "I have seen a few things, but I've just had to deal with issues. How can you be so certain I am who you think I am? Trust me, from what I feel and want I can't argue or complain," Robert told her.

April grinned. "Honey, you know the ring you are wearing," she said holding his right hand. Robert nodded. "I gave it to you a bit ago," April told him. "What is it then that is written on it," Robert asked. "'Ti aman, mi g�tisa' is the phrase inscribed on it," April informed him. Robert smiled. He had no idea what it meant, but he knew the sentiment.

"It's very beautiful," Robert commented. "Thank you honey. You know you used to wear it on the other hand," April told him. Robert couldn't immediately verify that statement with what he currently had in short term memory. Hence, he looked into his mind for maybe a hidden memory. He was rewarded this time with a memory. He was snapped back intot he garden. It was only him and her.

"Happy birthday, love," April said hilding him close to her. "Thank you. No one else remembered," Robert told her. "Eh, it happens. Most people don't remember mine either," she said with a smile. "I always do," Robert commented. "Yes, but you aren't most people," she noted. Robert stared at the ring on his right hand. It was nice and shiny. "I can definately agree with that. You are definately not an ordinary woman. You are very special to me," Robert commented.

Robert wiped away a tear. "This ring is very special to me too. But I have one question. What does the words mean," Robert inquired. "I appreciate your love," she said with a big grin. Robert held her very close and squeezed her tight. "I've never recieved anything this special in my life. Thank you very much, my beloved," he told her. "You welcome," April said just enjoyinh being so close to him. She knew that he would consider the gift special. She just didn't know how touched he would be by the gift.

Their hearts were filled with joy. Thy were holding each other so close that they forgot where one began and where the other ended. Thier love existed outside of language. The feelins, emotions that resided kept them close. When they were in each other's arms nothing could tear them apart. They knew that they deserved someone as special as the other. Most people who saw them knew that they belonged together.

"Now, I guess I have one more question for you. Am I wearing it on the right hand," Robert asked. "Well, that depends. According to tradition, the ring can be used as a betrothal ring to be replaced by a gold ring or even an Ioanium ring upon marriage," April commented. Robert grinned from ear to ear. There were so many ways to take her comment. She didn't quite say that he wasn't wearing it on the right hand, but she didn't quite say that he was wearing it on the right hand.

Robert slowly slid the ring off his right hand and just felt it in his palm. It felt so right. He was going to take a big risk in doing what he was going to do, but somehow somewhere he knew that it was what they really wanted. He put it on his left hand. "Better," he inquired letting her feel the ring on his left hand. April closed her eyes and just held him tight. Their breathing came into sync as the rest of them were.

"A pleasant memory," his mind commented as he was rushed back to the moment. He knew he could trust what she said to be true. He knew that he trusted her with his whole heart, mind, and body. Much to April's happiness, he took the ring off and placed it on his left hand. "does this mean that me and you are... well, you know," Robert inquired with a blush. April grinned and kissed him on the nose. "I am yours and you are mine. We aren't officially engaged, but technically we've said we are," she replied holding his hands.

"I love you," Robert told her holding her hands tightly. "I love you too," April said with that look. He knew that look. It was the look he knew since before he knew anything else. It was the look that said how much she adored him. It told him that everything was okay. For the first time in a long time, he knew that it was going to be true.

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]

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