Reborn (Part I)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 4

Fue woke up refreshed. "It's been a while since the last time that I had a good night's sleep. They must have drugged me or something. I didn't even have that one nightmare of mine," Fue commented to no one. He rolled out of the bed and looked into a mirror. "I look pretty good actually. Don't look glazed over in the eyes. Don't look too bad. Maybe I did need that food anyway," he said.

Looking around, Fue noticed that there was a towel and a note left on the dresser. Fue looked at it and read it aloud. "Dear Fue, we hope that you slept very well. Sometimes all one needs is a good meal to get good sleep. However, we don't know what all might ail you. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let us know. Until then, there is a towel and some clean clothes in the dressers. A bathing tub is available down the hall. Whenever you are hungry, please stop on by the dining room and we'll fix that issue," the note said.

"Theses are some really nice people. I wonder what their real agenda is... I can't imagine why anyone would be so nice for no reason. Maybe they could do it for just 'self-satisfaction', but that seems a little too odd for my taste. Why would anyone do something for no pay? Why would someone risk their life for someone else's for no good reason? These people are nice, but they seem very naive," Fue commented to himself.

Fue stepped out of the door of his room and started walking down the hallway. There were a number of empty rooms with doors open. He peered inside each and noted they were all similar to the room he had slept in. He continued down the hallways getting close to a big room near the end. He stepped inside of it and noticed a bunch of books across the room. It was sort of a library that had lost its organization years ago.

Fue sat down at one of the tables and grabbed one of the books. Inside of it was hand written notes. He flipped through the pages and noticed most of them were filled with these notes. He put the book aside and grabbed for another one. He looked at it and noticed the elegant style of the text's font. He turned to the first page and read its title - "By The (De)Commission of the Viceroy". He turned to the preface and began to read it.

"Secfenia stood on a threshhold of a rebirth. It could have headed straight into a unifying condition that would have purged the evil bile that had been connected with it under its previous plague it had experienced. However, in the unwise manner, the Viceroy decommissioned everything good that he could. He turned the bile into something that he thought should be honored. His heart was infected, but no one could stop what he started.

"The Viceroy changed our lives in some many ways. He taught us that we should accept this bile as being better than the old. He taught us that we have to do things only for numero uno or for the Empire... whatever that means. The old Secfenia Central Guard was the old hope that maybe things would return back to the way they were, but alas, that too was taken away from the people.

"What was left? That's so hard to answer. Inside this book, there are many tales of individuals who still fight to keep Secfenia from the bile. This book by itself will probably die off if not continued by these same peoples. It will be by the commission or decommission of the viceroy and by the will of the people if Secfenia can one day become whole again without any of the diseases of the past."

Fue lifted an eye brow and put the book down. "I bet that's an interesting one to read. But I wonder what this one says," Fue asked picking up another one. He looked at the handwritten title and say that it said "Log of Doctor Janet Rosen, Niece of Janet Hope".

Opening to one of the last pages, Fue read, "We recently got a patient in that is so close to death. They think that we can't help him out, but I feel that it isn't impossible. It is going to take a lot of work. I don't know what ended up happening to him. It looks like the work of a clever assassin. Some sort of poison that is slowly bleeding his life away. Maybe Anaxohil? Not sure.

"I've taken some precautions and have tried several different methods of healing his poison. It appears as if things are working better for him, but he has yet to talk. I don't know if it is just from a lack of desire, fear, or if worse he no longer has the ability. I have no idea how much of his body may be impaired due to the poison. His progress continues to improve, so I'll take a wait and see approached."

Fue looked at the notes and thought for a second. "Poor guy, he's been through a lot," Fue commented putting the book down. He felt his stomach complain that there wasn't more food available and decided maybe he should fix that. "After all, they did say when I was hungry to take advantage of it," Fue said with a grin. He stood up and walked out towards the dining room.

[ Chapter 3 ] [ Reborn, Part II, Chapter 1 ]

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