Reborn (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 1

The door opened up and I stood to greet the visitor. "How are you doing today," Doctor Rosen asked. I looked her over and noticed that she had an extra giddy step in her. She handed me a plate of food. I smiled and slowly ate it. "Did you sleep well," she asked. I nodded taking in a few more bites of food.

"Excellent. We have a new visitor now. He was lost in our woods and I'm glad we found him," she told me. I shrugged and watched as she wrote in her book. Sometimes I wondered what was in the book. Was it comments about me? Was she attempting to interrogate me nicely? Extract information? What was she trying to do? Was she helping me or them?

"We still haven't figured out what your name is either. We think that you might be Andrew from what we found in your old stuff. But that is all we know. Maybe someone will recognize you or you recognize them. That is the best we can hope for you now. We've also agreed to move you from here to your own room with privledges to do as you need to," Dr. Rosen told me.

I looked at her with a big smile on my face. "Thank you," I whispered. She blinked hard twice and stared at me. "You welcome," she said with a grin. "I was wondering if you could talk or not. I see that is a foolish worry right now. Let's get you to your room and get you acquainted," she said walked through the door.

I followed her cautiously wondering where I was going. Would it be to another room that had a bed or to a room that was for another purpose? I watched as we went through several hallways. The smell of food was wafting through the air and even though I had just ate, I was still hungry. As if on cue, my stomach growled.

Finally, we stopped outside a door. "This is your room," she said opening the door. My mouth dropped to the floor seeing the lavishness of the room. It was the biggest room I could ever remember seeing. Maybe that was not saying much, but I couldn't remember ever feeling it before.

I stepped inside of it and noticed the bed. It wasn't the largest, but could definately fit a few people on it. On the bed, there were towels and several folded up sheets. "Just in case you need anything, we've stocked it well. Extra clothes in the dressers over there. Bathroom down the hall and to the right. And if you need anything else, just let us know," she said with her arms wide open.

Staring at the space before me, I was not sure what to do. It was all a shock to me. It definately wasn't anything I was expecting. Although, I wasn't going to argue. This would definately be a start of something new for me in my life. Since my memory was not there, I can only assume that it can't be any worse than what my life was before.

I wonder at times what was I before. Was I popular? Was I infamous? Was I poor, rich, or inbetween? Did I drift aimlessly or was I working on a point? I must not be anyone too important because no one has come looking for me or have they? My mind plagues me sometimes with these thoughts. I attempt to shake them, but alas they stay near. Slowly I will make them pay for their insolence.

I laid down on the bed for a moment and tried to remember the past futily. "The past is the past. The present is the present and the future is only a moment away from the present," I reminded myself. There are times when my own doubts and fears rule my mind. I have to control them all. Let stability become part of the ocean that flows in my mind.

I closed my eyes trying to enjoy the moment. My heart felt relief, but my mind felt panic. Fogs of visions flew through my mind. So many different incidents have occured. So many visions that are so strange and unfamiliar. The world of my mind is like walking through a leech infested swamp barefoot. It is very painful and pointless.

Somewhere though I know there is some sense of my past. However, maybe it would be better not to know it. After all, if it's all that important it will come. If not, then I'll never know it and it can't haunt me. I should take whatever they give me and try to start over again. If the past catches up with me, then I'll deal with it then. Hopefully, I'll be able to deal with it then. After all, I can't reconstruct my past with what little information I have. They don't know anything and neither do I.

[ Reborn, Part I, Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 2 ]

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