Reborn (Part II)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 2

My sleep was disrupted by a knock on the door. I slowly opened my eyes trying to focus on the world around me. Didn't I just get to sleep? Where am I now? My mind was fuzzy tryng to grope for the answers in the darkness. Another knock came. "Who is it," I asked. A soft voice came from the other side and said, "I'm sorry to wake you, but I wanted to check up on you and see how you were."

My mind in its morning fog tried to figure out who it was. I decided to just get off the bed and find out. Practically crawling to the door, I opened it. On the other saide was Doctor Rosen. "Good afternoon," she said with a smile. I looked at her for a second and blinked hard. "Is it afternoon already," I asked. She nodded.

"Mind if I come in," she inquired. I shrugged and looked at her. She stepped inside the room. "I hope you find your accomadations adequate," she commented. "They are very nice. Thank you, I think," I replied. "I wanted to check up and make sure everything was going well and if you needed anything," she informed me.

I shrugged and looked around the room. With a smile, I replied, "I think I have everything in order here, but how long do I have to stay here?" She tilted her head to the side. "You can leave anytime that you want to. Just let me know and I can get whatever provisions you need. However, do you even know where you would go from here right now," she asked me.

I stopped and stared at her. She did have a point. I knew I wanted to try and figure out where to go from here, but I hadn't thought of where I could go. What would I do out there? Do I have friends and family out there? What happens if I never find them? What happens if I am alone out there in the grand wide wonderment that is out there? I stood there for what must have been a good amount of time pondering these questions until she brought me back to the moment with a minor cough.

"I also thought you might want to see some of the things that were found with you when we took you in. We have no idea what some of it may mean or if it belongs to you, but I thought you still might want to see it," she said rolling in a cart full of stuff. "Remember that it isn't important necessarily to remember one's past. Sometimes our minds prevent us from seeing our past because it was too painful. What matters more than the past is the future. The past may be brought up in the future if it is important enough," she commented.

I looked over her and then the cart. "Thank you again," I replied. She nodded and gracefully stepped out of the room. I looked at the cart again and was debating whether or not to look into it. Who knows what mysteries I may cause myself to look in there? Who knows what problems I create for myself? Who knows what answers may lie inside there? Will all be revealed in there or will it just confuse me more?

Is it better to be ignorant completely of the world around or to know enough to be a danger to yourself or others? Would I rather know something that could be a key to who I am or would I rather just find out the hard way? Which would be better? Which would be safer? Which would get what I need and eliminate what I don't? Should I really find out about myself? These are just a few of the million questions that flew through my mind.

I stepped towards the cart and stopped. Should I really do it? Maybe I should get a meal first. It never hurts to fill up before diving into the unknown. Standing up, I left the room and headed towards the dining area. After getting lost for the fifth time, Doctor Rosen rescued me and led me to the dining room. "Anything you want you can get," Dr. Rosen told me. "Thanks. I think I can get back now. Sorry about that," I apologized. "It's okay, you've never been out of your room before," she said with a gentle laugh.

The chef approached me and inquired of what I wanted to eat. I told him and he left to go in the back and cook it. "It'll be just a little bit. Did ya check any of it out," Doctor Rosen asked me. "No I didn't. I'm not sure if I want to or not," I replied. "I can understand. I would probably do the same if I was in your shoes. I can only imagine what it must be like for you. Your life no longer part of your memory," she said somewhat sullen.

"Memories may be missing, but I shall have an opportunity to add plenty of new memories, and ya know that," I told her. She nodded. "That you will. I'm excited to see where you will go from here. You have an exciting journey ahead of ya," she commented. I nodded and the food came out. "Take care, my friend," she said standing up and leaving the room. I watched her exit with curiosity and then I went to eating my meal.

[ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ]

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